Have you watched the latest video of Tun M and his wife singing?
I cried...
Because I don't know whether my husband and I would live that long...
I don't know whether we would still love each other that much at that age...
I don't know whether we are going to be together...
I hope so.
But with so many of marriage break-ups going on around us, I'm scared. I'm being paranoid again!
I never judge these people.
Kadang-kadang, sedih baca komen orang lain. Ada yang quote, "Kalau kita jaga hubungan dengan Allah, Allah akan jaga hubungan kita dengan manusia."
Although, it's true to a certain extent, but you cannot generalize lah...Ada je Ustadz Ustazah yang bercerai.
But, really, sometimes, I just imagine myself being in their shoes. Sedih nak mampus lah kan...Flashback to all the good times that my husband and I had together. Imagining things could go wrong soon...
My husband thinks I'm being ridiculous again and so malas to layan me...He was quiet the whole day.
Me: Apa komen you?
Husband: You tu mulalah nak merepek...Baik I diam je...
Me: You cakap you tak busy hari ni!
Husband: Hari ni kan hari Khamis...Khamis lah hari busy I...Kaki I pun dah bengkak ni...
See...Malas layan punya orang.
I asked my husband what he wants for his birthday,
Dengan laju sekali dia reply, "I nak jam XXX. I dah survey dah. Harga dia RMXXX"
Me: You kan baru beli jam?
Husband: Tu jam mahal...Ni jam untuk pakai hari hari.
Me: Jam Tissot you mana? Hilang eh?
Husband: Ada...Tapi I lupa letak dekat mana...I dah cari dah, tak jumpa...
Me: Samalah tu! You tiru ayat I je...It's not missing, it's misplaced. Kenapa tipu I?
Husband: Tipu apa?
Me: You cakap, you exchange jam Oris dengan Tissot adik you. Sebenarnya, jam Oris tu pun hilang kan?
Husband: Tak hilang...I lupa letak dekat mana...Nanti mesti jumpa...
Me: Haaa! Cakaplah lupa! Kenapa tipu?
Husband: I tak nak you bising...
Me: Bisinglah! I beli jam tu mahal tau. You ni, tak appreciate langsung.
Husband: You pun pernah hilang jam Tissot you dekat masjid.
Me: Yang tu, murah je! Tu jam yang I beli sendiri. Dah! I taknak beli jam untuk you! Mahal! Lagipun you suka hilangkan!
A few days ago, I asked him again.
Me: You taknak handphone ke?
Husband: Handphone yang I nak tu, tak keluar lagi...
Me: I belanja you beg lah!
Husband: Bag apa?
Me: Bag yang you dah beli tu...
Husband: Tapi I dah beli kan bag tu...I bayar cash.
Me: Ye lah, I bayarlah balik.
Husband: Hahahaha. Mana boleh macam tu!
Me: Kita celebrate tidur hotel, nak?
Husband: I takde lah masa tu...Kan I kena fly sehari sebelum birthday I...
So, yeah...My husband will leave this heavily pregnant mother for 2 weeks, 2 weeks before my due date.
Me: Kalau I bersalin awal, macam mana?
Husband: Tak lah...Nanti I doa banyak-banyak.
Me: Nanti, orang ingat I ni single mother. Kasihan...
Husband: Sempatlah...I pergi 12 hari je...Lagipun Baby K lewat kan...
Me: Itu first pregnancy! Sekarang ni dah second pregnancy. Dah longgar.
Husband: So, you nak I cancel ke? Nak I awalkan sikit trip tu?
Me: Tak payahlah...Tak apa...Okay kot...
I kan memang jenis independent woman like that.
Tomorrow I need to make sure everything is ready. Because I don't think I will shop when my husband is away. Siapa nak angkat barang?
And, I still don't know what to get for his birthday.
All I know is, I'm going to use that hotel voucher that I won. Apparently, it comes with a butler.
Wow, a butler! What shall I order him to do? Then, it came to my mind. Yes, I will ask him to decorate the room for a mini birthday celebration. Won't that be enough? It is special, right?
Me: Abang, ada budak ni kan, masa dia pregnant, husband dia bawa pergi Korea! Just to cheer her up.
Husband: Laaa...Kan I dah bawa you pergi Sabah...
Me: Itu Sabah! Lagipun, I yang bawa you pergi Sabah! You bawa body je kot...
Husband: Hahahaha! Tapi you memang pandai buat planning ni semua. I mana tahu...
Me: *Rolls eyes*
Planning a trip is a headache when noone is helping, okay. Especially when I have to take into considerations his interests and my son's interests, trying to make it suitable for everyone to enjoy.
I am happy to do it, but not happy to do it at the same time. Haha. I know if I let somebody else do it, it won't be perfect and I would find many faults. Tapi, it consumes so much of my time and energy, last-last I yang stress,,,
It's complicated. Haha.