This is what I gather from brief discussions about the recent election.
Mother and Father were shocked about the results, even pitied BN. I said, "Didn't you vote for the opposition? I thought you love them so much?"
Then, Mother went on saying how they didn't mean for them to win. They intended just to scare BN, so that the party won't be so arrogant. Mother and Father wanted BN to feel a little bit vulnerable.
"See, if everybody had your kind of mentality, this is what happens," I said.
"I don't mind if one or two states are ruled by the opposition party, but FIVE!" mother exclaimed. "Even Selangor!" she said.
"I am not surprised with Selangor, Mother. Most of the citizens are so-called 'educated' people, that's why they voted for the oppostion, they want changes," I voiced out my opinion.
"True, true..." mother agreed. "The Kelantanese are full of bullshits," Mother laughed. "BN provided them with money and transportations, but they voted for PAS!"
I talked to the people in Penang, "DAP?"
"We don't know what happened! It's probably because DAP promised to abolish the Penang bridge toll," one of them explained.
I talked to a Kelantanese, he said, "PAS memang baik. Tapi PAS tak pandai memimpin. Tengok, takde universiti pun dekat Kelantan. Macam mana nak maju?"
His analysis was, "Negara kita ni baru nak membangun. BN belum habis membangunkan negara kita. Jadi sekarang, segala kemajuan dah terbantut sebab pembangkang dah ambil alih. Lainlah kalau negara kita ni dah developed, macam United States, contohnya. Negara mereka memang dah stabil, jadi, kalau kepimpinan jatuh ke mana-mana parti pun, tak jadi masalah, kemajuan masih berjalan lancar."
"Orang putih 100 tahun lebih maju dari kita. Mereka educated. Kalau nak compare dressing orang Melayu dengan orang putih, orang putih pun menang! Tengok Malaysia, berapa ramai yang sekarang tengah buat Master/ Phd? Tak ramai. Sebab tenaga pengajar pun limited. Singapura contohnya, import tenaga pengajar dari luar negara, sebab itu rakyatnya hebat, universiti pun tersenarai one of the best in the world. Even polytechnic di Singapura pun lebih hebat dari universiti di Malaysia."
He continued, "Dr. Mahathir memang bijak. Beliau bina Litar Sepang. Sekarang, Singapura pun mahu tiru Malaysia. Beliau yang memperkenalkan kita dengan Internet. Kalau tidak, sampai sekarang kita lembab. Sebab beliau juga, kita ade kereta nasional. Banyak lagi beliau buat. Tak ramai orang Melayu yang dapat forsee the future like he does."
"Dr. Mahathir dulu memang mahu nak beri jawatan PM pada Najib, tapi Najib baru lagi, belum ada pengalaman. Beliau bercadang nak bagi jawatan PM kepada Pak Lah satu penggal sahaja...Sebab itu Dr. Mahathir suruh Pak Lah letak jawatan, sekarang orang Melayu dah berpecah belah," he said.
Entah betul, entah tidak, fakta yang kenalan saya beri ni.
A lady said, "Kalau Pak Lah letak jawatan, siapa yang layak jadi PM? Takkan Najib kot?"
"Najib takde cahaya sinar kemuliaan dekat muka dia...Macam tak boleh percaya je..." she said.
"True, true."
"I think, Rafidah should be our next PM," a friend said.
"Why?" I asked.
"I like her speech! Power..." he gave his reason. I didn't read/ listen to her speech, so, I don't know.
But I disagreed, "Rafidah can't be the PM! She's a woman. Very emotional..."
"True. If she was a guy, I think she would be great," he said.
"Kalau Nik Aziz jadi PM macam mana?" I asked.
"Imagine if he had to meet Hillary Clinton," my lady friend smiled.
"Nanti dia taknak salam!" another lady friend from Kelantan teased.
"Can he speak English?"
"Majoriti masyarakat Malaysia merupakan orang Melayu. 70-80% maybe? Tapi, dalam banyak-banyak orang Melayu, berapa ramai yang berkepimpinan? Berwibawa? Kena ubah semua ni..." a man said to me.
"You jadilah one of the Malays yang berwibawa tu! Cakap je pandai!" I shot back.
"I tak suka bila Melayu berpecah belah!" a man said to me.
"Iya lah, bukan semua Melayu itu baik. Ada yang tak baik. Takkan kalau kita dah tahu dia tak baik, kita nak undi untuk dia lagi! Tentulah kita undi untuk pemimpin yang baik," I said.
"Tapi kita kena fikir jangka masa panjang. Parti lain pun ada propaganda tersendiri," he said.
"Negara Islam, tapi lama-lama, bukan Islam yang jadi pemimpin agaknya," somebody said.
I said, "Tak apalah...Manalah tahu perubahan kali ini untuk kebaikan...Kita cuba...Kalau tak okay, penggal depan, kita ubah undi kita!"
Summary: I am surrounded with BN supporters? Dulu konon merajuk dengan BN.
50 minutes ago
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