I have so many things to talk about.
About the major illness in the family and the different ways of coping.
About cheekbones.
About food.
About books.
About movies.
About blessings, studies, etc.
About how some people think where you graduated from is still important even after 10 years of leaving university.
Okay, maybe something short for now. Because I am sleepy.
My friend kept an ancient self-made Raya card that I gave him in 2005. That is freaking 15 years ago, and the condition is great, I am so amazed! I printed it out and the colour is still vibrant. It's either I used a high quality paper, ink and printer or my friend really knows how to care for his things.
Anyway, because it is such a rare item, like opening a time capsule, I showed it to my newer friends. The group that I've known for the last 3-4 years.
One of them said- Ectopy, you look a little bit chubby there...
Oh, yeah! All of our weights yo yo-ed at first, we were still adapting to the weather, food ration and stuff, so yeah. I don't mind a little bit of chubby when they are in their supposed taut places. Heeee...
Then, it was my ex-housemate birthday, so I wished her, and also, forwarded the photo of the said card.
"My other friends said I look chubby here."
And, my sweetest friend said- "Chubby? You've always had high cheekbobes."
Awww...That is such a nice way to put it. Thanks.
She said- But it is true!
Aaahhh...The forgotten cheekbones...I never knew I had high cheekbones, until my niece asked me, "Auntie Ectopy, apa tu?"
She pointed at my cheeks, my cheekbones to be exact.
Me: What?
Niece: Kenapa bila Auntie Ectopy smile, ada tu...(Little niece demonstrated the apples of my cheeks popping out)
Hahaha...I was in my early twenties, got back for summer, and my young niece asked me questions that made me feel like an alien. Because I didn't know what she meant!
I looked in the mirror for a good few hours, when I finally rationalized myself, perhaps, it was about my cheekbones indeed (because there wasn't anything else there!)
Okay, so that's the story about how I was reminded of my high cheekbones. It's not something I associate myself with, but it's nice. It's nice to be reminded that once upon a time, a few people thought I had high cheekbones. The good old days...
3 hours ago
1 comment:
SELAMAT HARI RAYA, menarik entry ini btw done follow, follow me back thanks http://acuyuhan.blogspot.com/
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