Below was written yesterday:
Me: Good morning, Abang!
Husband: Morning!
Me: Lambatnya nak balik rumah....
Husband: Mana ada lambat, lusa kita baliklah....
Me: Bukan lusa lah! You cakap hari Selasa! Hari ni baru hari Sabtu!
My only conversation with my husband this morning. And a few other words which involved,
Husband: (Kisses me) Abang keluar dulu eh...
Me: Abang nak pergi mana?
Husband: Abang nak bla bla bla....
Then I drifted back to sleep. Hehe.
My accomplishments so far are sweeping and mopping the floor of my master bedroom, kitchen and dining room. The master bedroom took the longest to finish, because it included cleaning the fan!
Penat gila...
I know that I should be resting (sebab taknak baby keluar cepat), but my house is so dusty. And since I already started my leave, might as well get it done and get it over with. Nanti I balik from Klang Valley, takdelah I serabut tengok rumah berselerak.
Plus, I can only do this kind of work when my husband is not at home. If not, orang tengah sapu sampah, dia jalan sana, jalan sini, mata tak tengok pun habuk tu sedang berlonggok dekat mana, main langgar je. Pastu nanti dia complaint panaslah, pastu nak buka kipaslah, pastu hish....Memang mendatangkan amukan!
Yesterday, I was really, really tired. I thought it's because of my low haemoglobin level, but I've been very good, never missed a dose since it's been prescribed to me. And I checked in the mirror, I am pink, not pale...
Terlalu penat sampai I taknak masak initially. But, by the time I asked my husband to bring me break fast outside, the hotel we wanted to go to is already fully booked.
I pulled a chair from the dining table, and do the dishes and cutting and cooking while sitting, that's how tak larat I was yesterday. My husband hanya membantu rubbing my back watching me washing the dishes sambil berkata, "Tak pe, Yang, tinggalkan lah...Nanti Abang basuh."
Well, I learned not to trust this kata-kata manis. I mean, he will eventually do it, but sangat lambat, pastu nanti dia main letak je mana-mana padahal I have a very specific ways to kemas my dapur. (OCD much?)
Actually, I already plan to buy a small kitchen table with chairs, because I will be needing extra spaces to become the baby's drying rack. Tapi tak beli beli lagi sebab tak reti nak survey dekat mana selain dari Ikea. Haha!
It's weird even though physically I was tired, I couldn't fall asleep as easy as I expected. Insomnia ke ape...Pukul 1 pagi baru terlelap. My husband yang dah tidur siang lebih sejam, tak kemas rumah, dan tak masak pun tidur lagi awal kot...
And I confess that I am not a good cook. But, it's really weird lah when my husband wants me to cook. I mean, bukan sedap pun! Dahlah masak benda sama je...Who dares to be adventurous during the fasting month? Not that I can taste the food beforehand...But my colleagues say, "Air tangan seorang isteri tu lain..."
Chewaaahhh.....If that is true, that really explains my situation.
Iya ke.......????
My husband texted me just now,
Husband: Nak Abang buat booking untuk buka puasa ke?
Me: Tak payahlah....Kita bukan makan banyak pun, membazir je...I nak pizza je hari ni, boring makan nasi.
(True story, bayar mahal-mahal, makan sikitttttt je...)
Husband: Nak pergi beli kacang pandai ke?
Me: Kalau Abang tak penat, boleh jugak.
Kacang pandai, or its other name is: Pistachio. To my husband, it's Pinocchio.
Husband I ni kan dibesarkan secara kampong dan Melayu habis. Dia tak tahu pun cerita Pinocchio tu pasal apa....Kalau dia tengok cerita Fairy Tales ke, cerita Shrek ke, memang dia tak paham. Sebab tu my husband is not a movie goer. Dia tengok Sports Channel je...
Me: Abang, I look like Humpty Dumpty! Or, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
Abang: (No response. Meaning he doesn't know what I am talking about)
Me: You tahu tak Humpty Dumpty? Humpty Dumpty tu sebiji telur yang jatuh lalu pecah! Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...
Yup, he has no idea! Haha!
Me: Kampung ahhhh you ni!!! Tu pun tak tahu....Masa you kecik, you masuk tadika mana hhaaaa??!!!
And that's why we always wonder how can we end up with each other! We are soooooo different! Sometimes, he didn't get some of the things I find funny! Our songs pun tak sama...
I came across the Malay drama advertisements on TV.
Me: Abang, orang Melayu ni, kalau buat cerita, mesti nak konon-konon bercinta dekat overseas.
Husband: Ha ah. Tengok macam Abang, tak payah nak berangan, memang dapat pun girlfriend dekat overseas! Hahahaha!
Me: Abang, Abang rasa senang tak masa Abang nak tackle I dulu?
Husband: Senang je....!!! (Muka berlagak)
Me: Hahahaha! (Penipu habis! Mula-mula I tak layan kot!)
(Okay, then I stopped writing because hubby came home and we went out to buy kacang pandai tu)
Sambung cerita hari ni.
Texting my husband:
Me: Abang! Penatlah....Sidai baju pun mengah. Ni nak kena sapu and mop living room ni....Sila beri kata-kata motivasi.
Husband: Kalau penat berehat dulu. Masa sapu ingat muka Abang. Baru dapat pahala...Hahaha!
Motivasi lah sangat!
Sekarang ni kan, I sensitive sangat.
Baca kisah Ashraf Muslim- Nangis.
Baca kisah budak kena tinggal dalam kereta- Nangis.
Husband mumbled in sleep and asked me not to disturb him- Nangis.
Mimpi jumpa moyang- Nangis.
Husband: Nanti baby dah keluar, you kawan dengan baby lah...Jangan kacau Abang, sikit-sikit nak call je...
Lepas tu cerita baby kena tinggal.
Me: Abang, kalau I terlupa baby kita macam mana? Jangan buat tingkap kereta kita tinted sangat lah. At least, kalau tertinggal, ada orang boleh nampak.
Tapi....I rasa, antara you dengan I, you lagi pelupa! See! That's why I kena call you every hour to remind you things!
Husband: Hhmm...
Me: You lah, tak bagi I call you selalu-selalu sangat....You tau tak, ada orang komen dekat Facebook, dia cakap, "Sebab tu Islam tak bagi isteri dan ibu bekerja. Nak kena elak benda macam ni terjadi." Eeeee...Bodoh gila! Habis tu, kalau dah laki tu miskin, nak bagi anak makan apa? Baguslah isteri dia tolong cari duit lebih. Patutnya, suami dia pun kena tolonglah jaga anak! Macamlah orang yang jadi fulltime housewife tu takde terlupa apa-apa...
Husband: Bodoh gila buat statement macam tu....
Okaylah, mood nak tulis sudah hilang. Kena kemas rumah pulak ni...Tak best nyeeeeeeee!!!
41 minutes ago
1 comment:
Welcome to motherhood where the world seems scarier than before. Its a bliss having them though - the baby I mean
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