I have always thought my boyfriend has a more interesting life than mine.
I was proven right last night.
Him: Sayang, I nak cerita dekat you pasal I masuk kampung orang asli!
Me: Ha, apa dia?
Him: Kelakarlah orang asli...(Laughs)
Me: Apa dia yang kelakar sangat?
Him: I nampak live boobies! (Laughs)
Me: Okay... (...) Did you enjoy your trip?
Him: You tahu tak apa diorang bagi as my farewell gift?
Me: Apa?
Him: Burung merpati!
Me: Putih ke hitam?
Him: Putihlah! Dapat 2 ekor. Tapi I lepaskan sebab kasihan.
Two weeks ago, my boyfriend's office was caught on fire. He was such a drama queen, he and the other two guys who were in the office ran for their lives.
My boyfriend even thought of jumping from the fourth floor but changed his mind because he was scared of height.
I was concerned, so I asked,
Me: Tell me what happened. How did the fire start?
Him: Entah. Litar pintas kot...
Me: (Laughs) Funny lah you said lintar pintas! Short circuit lah!
Him: (Laughs) Okay, short circuit.
Me: So, apa yang terbakar? Which part yang terbakar?
Him: Ala, dekat area meeting room tu...Habis file semua terbakar...
Him: Dokumen penting tu!
Me: Jadi, api tu kecik aje lah!
Him: (Laughs) A ah, kecik je...
Me: Kenapa tak padam sendiri!
Him: Kitorang takut...Dah semua orang lari...
Me: (Laughs) And the firemen came?
Him: A ah. Diorang cakap, "La...Ini padam sendiri pun boleh!"
Me: (Laughs) Bongoklah korang ni!
Him: It was so funny...Lari siap tarik-tarik baju lagi!
Me: Oh my God, korang ni macam budak-budak.
Him: Ramli Gemok* lari sampai berpeluh-peluh...Sampai ada orang cakap dia nampak kurus lepas tu...(Laughs)
Me: (Laughs)
Him: Bomba cakap, kalau api lagi besar, mesti Ramli Gemok* boleh jadi kurus lagi sebab lagi laju dia lari...
My boyfriend said his office is haunted.
Me: Mana ada hantu! I pernah duduk office you sorang-sorang, tak kena kacau pun!
Him: Betul, sayang! Satu malam tu, I dengar tapak kaki. Lepas tu gelas air I bergerak, terus I keluar office tak padam lampu!
Me: Gelas you bergerak macam mana?
Him: Air berkocak-kocak.
Me: That's not 'bergerak'! Suka exaggerate lah you ni! Tak ada hantulah. Air tu bergegar sebab you terlanggar meja...
Him: Betul! Tiba-tiba je bergegar...I nak buat solat hajat dalam office, baca Yasin nak halau hantu.
Me: Penakutlah you ni. Tak ada hantu! Kenapa hantu tu tak pernah kacau I?
Him: Hantu tu baru datang kot...Atuk Zaman* tu bela hantu. I rasa hantu tu ikut Zaman*.
Me: Kenapa dia tak kacau Zaman* je?
Him: Zaman* pun takut. Hari tu dia suruh I temankan dia masa dia tertinggal fail dekat office.
Me: (Laughs) Beranilah sikit! Percayalah cakap I, tak ada hantu!
Me? I have no story...I'm so boring!
1 hour ago
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