Quick update 5
Eh, banyak sangat update ni...
Tak apa...Sementara tengah bersemangat nak membawang ni...
On a lighter note, a few days ago, I met a client who cried in front of me because he misses his wife.
You see, they divorced 2 years ago. He said, his wife kena buatan orang, kena menderem...
He is in his 50s, loves his wife so much and he wants to get back together so badly, he can't keep it off his mind. He told me, sepanjang 29 tahun kahwin, tak pernah bergaduh besar. He tries really hard to cope, he moves away, but on weekends, he still visits his wife and children, they cook together and that makes him happy.
But, his wife refuses to rujuk.
I don't know lah...I memang terharulah sebab ada husband yang betul-betul mencintai wife dia, (and I hope my husband is one of them, hehe), tapi, adakah I percaya pasal kena buatan orang dan menderem menderem ni semua?
As a Muslim, I memang percaya pada benda ghaib, itu sudah wajib. Yes, ada jin, malaikat dan syaitan, memang ada orang yang pandai ilmu, but in today's world, how many people truly know how to practice ilmu-ilmu ni? Kadang-kadang tu kena scam je yang banyak...
Quick update 6
This year, I don't know why, I am more open to the idea of doing Hajj at this age. In terms of faith and practicing my religion, I am NOWHERE near perfect, but, it's my dream to be able to perform Hajj.
I feel like I have so many sins and I want a rebirth, a second chance. Of course, you can always repent anywhere and anytime, but Hajj is different. Especially when you are financially and physically able.
Orang yang dapat pergi Haji tu semua bertuah. Terpilih menjadi tetamu. I ni, siapa je...Orang picisan. Amalan terlalu sikit that it scares the hell out of me. Bilalah nak betul-betul insaf...
Oh, and kudos to all Malaysians who clean up after themselves in Mekah. I'm so proud that this year pilgrims show an examplary attitude to jemaah from other countries.
I read in the news that Malaysians were calm and coorperative during the storm, and they keep their tents clean.
I wish them all for Haji Mabrur, InsyaAllah.
51 minutes ago
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