Sunday, March 29, 2015

My niece has a lot of questions I can't answer. For example

- While breastfeeding Baby K, "Macam mana susu keluar? Tina tak nampak pun lubang dekat tetek Auntie Ectopy..."

- While watching Ellen, "Dia boy ke girl?"

- While dressing Baby K, "Kenapa Baby K warna macam tu?" "Sebab Baby K punya kulit sama macam Uncle Ectopy" "Tapi Uncle Ectopy lagi hitam!"

Niece: Comellah Baby K ni. Tapi masa dekat hospital (when Baby K was born), Tina malu nak tengok dia...Dia kecil je masa tu. Auntie Ectopy, macam mana Baby K keluar dari perut?

Me: Kan Auntie dah selalu cerita masa bedtime story...Baby K liked to kick me. One day, he kicked me too hard, so he came out from my tummy.

Niece: Ye lah. Tapi dekat mana?

Me: Dekat sini lah (points to my stomach)

Niece: Ye ke...Perut Auntie tak ada bekas jahit pun!

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