My last post sounds so serious.
Well, my husband is not home so I got to cook and eat Western food! My husband doesn't do Western food as main course, tak kenyang, he said. Dasar perut Melayu tulen.
Just now, I tried a recipe from Tyler's Ultimate! Nyumm...Chicken nugget with apple and parmesan cheese butter sandwich. Sedap, mudah malah berkhasiat!
The chicken nuggets were supposed to be bacon, and I replaced the supposedly green apple with the red ones. I can't remember what kind of cheese we were supposed to use, but the Parmesan was the only cheese available in my fridge.
Reminds me of a panini I once tried.
I should've taken a picture lah!
I've been wanting a Robot Vacuum since forever.
As you know, I am such a couch potato. To summarize, I watch everything on Astro channel 701 until 729.
Last year, I watch the Clean House Award show. It was to celebrate Clean House 100th episode and they basically gave away awards to home owners who manage to keep their house clean and humiliate those who returned to their old ways.
The grand prize winner was these gay couple. During the ceremony, videoclip was shown on how they did it, "Our secret is...The robot vacuum! They did the work when we go to work."
Semenjak hari itu, aku bercita-cita besar...But I never came across any in the stores. So, I gave up and forgot about it. Besides, I figured it must be damn expensive.
Two weeks ago, my friend posted a video on Facebook about his new toy, the robot vacuum.
I terus terkenang-kenang setiap malam, well, especially when I see my dusty floors and when I was about to do house chores. Went online and fell in love with the Rumba. After much research, I find it's the best one but it's expensive.
I thought of waiting for the Boxing Day sales, but then, there is this Groupon promotion going on. Macam tau-tau je kan...
It's damn cheap, not the one I wanted, not smart enough to charge by itself when the battery goes low but...After our discussion, since this is a trial thing for us, why not? And it's cheap, what do you expect kan? Better to buy the basic one, and see whether we like it, than buying the expensive thing and end up not using it/ rosak.
I hope I won't complaint about doing house chores no more!
Before the Groupon deal,
Me: Abang! Nak robot vacuum! Harga dalam RM800 je...
Husband: Mahalnya vacuum!
Me: Mana ada...Kalau you amik orang gaji pun harga RM800 sebulan. Baik beli vacuum, kan kan kan?
Husband: Hhmmm...
Pandainye I!
4 hours ago
i'd go for the rm800 bucks maid. they do back rubs too.
nice justification! :)
I wanted a rumba for myself too but as you said, it's quite pricey. haih. nanti review about the help okayh! :)
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