Jumpa sepasang couple. Ada anak perempuan seorang.
Malangnya, anak yang berumur 13 tahun itu diserang penyakit. Sekarang terlantar macam sayur. Hari-hari ibu bapa budak itu menjaga dia. Masih sayang macam menatang minyak yang penuh.
Bila saya tengok, hati saya jadi sayu.
Saya tak dapat bayangkan perasaan ibu bapa budak itu, sewaktu mereka mengusap kepalanya, mesti mereka terkenang saat-saat anak mereka sedang sihat, ketawa dan gembira.
Anak yang dilahirkan sihat, tapi sekarang, dah dekat 4 bulan tak dapat memberikan eye contact.
Kalau terjadi pada saya? Kuatkah saya?
As much as I want to remain neutral in this blog, there's one thing I can't refrain myself from: announcing that I am pro vaccination.
It just saddens me to see the rising number of parents who refuse vaccination, especially when they claim it's a big conspiracy from Jews. Ironically, they also fitnah the doctors that vaccinations are given simply for the doctors' profits.
No, there's no hidden agenda other than we all want all of us to be healthy. As I drove from work this evening, I tuned in IKIM.fm and the Ustadz was talking about 'buruk sangka'. Janganlah berburuk sangka, nanti Syaitan baja perasaan tu.
Anyway, be careful of what you wish for.
I have a 'friend' (we went to school together) and she is so against vaccination- I can tell from her Facebook status.
She recently gave birth and the baby is still being admitted. I don't know what's the problem, but the baby is pretty ill.
It got me thinking. You can't give vaccination to the ill patients. Herd immunity is to protect the people who fall under this category.
Her baby is currently sick and I'm sure, is not eligible to receive vaccinations, yet.
This is what she had wished for. She didn't wish for her child to fall sick, but she did wish that her children go unvaccinated (she wouldn't allow- haram katanya, nak ikut makanan Sunnah semata).
Never in my heart to intend or think that the situation shall serve her right, but I guess, in the end, she really got what she wish for. Her child might never receive any vaccinations, because he just can't.
And I hope we all believe in Hikmah.
10 minutes ago