Hello internet!
Fuh, I miss writing so much. My internet provider sucks, I tried to fix my USB broadband but no stock available in the town where I work. Then, I tried to terminate the line and get a new one, but the person in charge said I can only do that once I return my USB broadband in perfect condition. Of course I couldn't do so because they have no stock!
Idiot! I wanted to write a complaint letter but I don't like typing using my phone, my sentences sound retarded. Tak ada feel gitu.
Won't use the internet at work for anything else than work, or when it is really really necessary (eg: printing my boarding pass) and I do that only with permission.
Anyway, I am back in Klang Valley for a few days, hoorah!
Gonna fix my problem and give them a piece of my mind. Do they expect me to pay even when I can't go online for almost a month just because they don't have stock to replace my broken USB broadband? Hell, no!
Inhale, exhale.
So, I am dying to write about this secret of mine- which will be no longer be a secret after I write it down, haha, but it's okay because you don't know me!
I used to work frequently with my one of my bosses. Once, he became the person whom I would consult my cases with. Sikit-sikit I would call him. However, our relationship never evolves. Because my boss is very serious! And he is also very baik masyaAllah, sejuk perut ibu mengandung!
One of my colleagues, Marina, has a crush on him for 4 years! She thinks he's good looking. If he was not married, Marina would definitely try to marry him. Haha.
Well, as much as I admire his attitude, I don't think he's good looking lah okay. To me, he is short and very, very average looking, not my type. I never had a crush on him. But because of his amazingly good manners, I have always hoped that if I had son, he would be named after him and possess positive values.
I like boss' name because it's simple, I don't know anybody else with that name, and look at my boss, you can hardly find any faults about him!
It would be so weird if I had a crush on him, then name my child after him. Macam nak rogol anak je...Seriously, I don't understand with people who name their children after someone who they had history with. Gile ke ape...
I am probably over praising my boss. I don't even know him that well. We never borak-borak. My boss is not the type who would borak-borak kosong. He is so serious and soft-spoken. Very humble and kind. Everything is strictly about work.
If he was unhappy, you can tell by the intonation of his voice. But he does this once in a blue moon. One time, he was unhappy and I think he was an angry with me tak tentu pasal, terus I terasa lebih-lebih pulak. Then, I texted my husband to tell him that I cancelled his name for my child. Haha, sungguhlah aku emo time tu. Lepas tu my husband reply balik, "Okay, nama dia tu tak sedap pun!" Dapat pulak husband yang supportive. Haha.
It is my boss' habit to say nice things, which sometimes menusuk jiwa zap zap zap, like, "InsyaAllah, makcik, InsyaAllah..." when explaining to Makcik, "Bismillah..." before starting any procedure, "Lillahi taala," when, I don't know when but I heard him say this when he successfully did something difficult. If I assist him, no matter how insignificant my work, he would praise me and our clients, "Good...Good..." and he always say 'Thank you' when we are the ones who should thank him!
Sejuk perut ibu mengandung!
I worked with him for four months before moving to another project with different bosses, and it's been 6 months since I stop working with him directly. There are times when I still need to consult him but it has become infrequent.
My secret is...
I dreamt that we were married, OMG!
Me and him are like night and day. I ni dengan tak pakai tudung lagi, dengan sikap kasar lagi, my boss tu pulak alim and baik gile...
Dalam mimpi tu, my boss siap hide me from his parents lagi. Haha. Sabar je lah aku.
Tapi masalahnye...Now when I see him at work, I pulak yang nak ter blushing. Awkward. Hish, damn you mainan syaitan!
This is a secret because I couldn't tell my husband.
Tak boleh ke mimpi kahwin dengan some celebrity ke...
4 hours ago
Ahahahahaha ur hubby x tau u ade blog ni ke? Kuikuikuikui.. Matilaa klu die bace.. Gulp!
husband bukan seorang yg curious cat. hehehe...nanti macam mana i nak kutuk kutuk dia kalau dia tahu blog ni...
Tp u kutuk2 CUTE x pe..
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