I think I'm pregnant. I want to be pregnant. I haven't gotten my period yet. (It might still irregular at this point since it just returned last month. After sooo looonnggg...)
Anyway, I was in the shower and noticed how big my tummy is. You know what they say, your tummy become more obvious with subsequent pregnancies.
My friend found out she was pregnant because we thought she had a big tummy. She simply couldn't lose the weight after giving birth to her daughter. We kept teasing her, are you pregnant again? And it turned out to be true! Lepas tu, we put our tummy against hers so she could infect us with babies. Hahaha...
Me: Abang, I think I'm pregnant sebab perut I macam besar.
Husband: You makan banyak!
Are you telling me I'm buncit?
Hmm...How it's going to be like to have a long distance relationship when you're pregnant? My husband pampered me the last time. Can I cope?
My child...He's still not talking yet. I've brought him to see the professionals. Alhamdulillah, he passed other aspects, except verbally. I was told he's at 6 months level. Whattt?!
And we are supposed to attend intensive therapy, twice a week. What am I going to tell my boss? Missing work every week? I don't think that's possible. But if I don't, I will be deemed as a bad, selfish mother.
Can't I just send him to a playschool or sometjing to let him mingle?
The bright side is, at least I know he is protected from saying bad words, for now...I always tell myself, Baby K is a thinker, not a talker, just like his name suggests. I mean, even Einstein didn't talk until he was 4 years old...
Baby K, please talk. I know you can.
57 minutes ago
Dont worry.. My first son also the same.. He started to talk only at age 4... Now he almost 5 n cannot stop talking tapo still pelat la.. Tapi his brother now 2, umur setahun dah tot tet tot tet.. Cakap clear dari abang dia.. Memula risau gak, tapi according to the doctor, as long Bila kita cakap, ada eye contact dengan dia, dia paham instructions kita, maknanya dia bukan Ada hearing problem..So kena slalu cakap dengan dia..
Ye ke? That's a relief. Tapi anak I tak cakap langsung. Mama takde, No takde, Nak takde, Susu takde, langsung tak ada. Tu pasal the person yang assessed him cakap verbally, he's at 6 months old. He grunts and points and taps. Jumpa anjing ada lah cakap "Woof woof" tapi no meowing or chirping. Kelakar jugak anak I ni, he understands tapi taknak cakap. Apa punya perangai lah...Hahaha...
dont worry.. i remember my sister start to talk when she was 4. but i not consider as talking as she call me "nya" instead of "along" or ateng instead of susu. after she went to tadika at 5 years old, she can speak properly but still very slow. after that my mpom discover that she was confused of what language that she suppose to be used. my mom talk to her in english but all her sibling in malay. so she started to talk using her own language.
hahaha.. sama la.. guna bahasa isyarat jer.. nak susu, dia point botol susu. and if dia panggil orang semua dia sebut mbak.. padahal bukan nya kitorang ada orang gaji ke orang indonesia ke panggil mbak..
memula kitorang ingat autism.. tp at the same time hyperactive.. because dia macam in his own world.. suka susun barang tinggi2.. atas kabinet tv sampai la tak nampak tv tu.. to the extend angkat kereta tolak hippo dia letak depan tv.. sakit jiwa gak kekadang...
ni dah start sekolah, kawan2 dia la yang betulkan perkataan dia.. sbb pelat and berterabur.. dia nak bercerita tapi macam semua perkataan berlumba2 nak keluar dr mulut dia.. so end up, 4 cerita combined jadi satu cerita.. and cerita jadi pelik.
one of the funny story masa dia mula sekolah, dia dok la cakap, mummy, tak sembahyang nanti mulut ada setan.. i was like, apa ajaran yang cikgu dia ajar.. dok la ulang2 mulut ada setan, mulut ada setan.. so masa hantar gi sekolah, asked the cikgu baru lah paham.. rupanya, diorang belajar sembahyang.. so bila sembahyang ramai2, cikgu suruh baca kuat2 buka mulut.. siapa yang tak baca kuat2 bukak mulut tu yang mulut ada setan.. jauh langsung story dia..
anak buah kesayangan i pun same.he is going to be 2 thi coming oct. hari tu his 5 year old sister main dekat depan rumah. i ckp kat die, pegi panggil kakak tu suruh balik! die pegi kat pintu jerit konon2 ckp "kakak! mak ngah suruh balik" muka beria betul tapi yang kuar cume "aaaaaaaa! aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa " haha. mama susu ayah mak ngag sume lum pandai ckp . my mom kate tu normal je. 3 ke 4 thn nnti akan terus pandai n mase tu non stop diorng akan ckp hhehehe
Hahaha...okay, tu memang kelakar. Comel gilosss!
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