I enjoyed my time in Nepal. It was my last trip with my friends before I got pregnant and soon afterwards, my two friends got married.
I went there unprepared. I never hit the gym, and the only exercise I did was the walking/ jogging I did was during work, and I tried to use the stairs as much as I can.
We arrived in the dusty city, which felt like I was transported back to 1970s. Well, I never really experienced the 70s, but it felt like it, like I was one of the extras in the classic movies.
We rode the bus, cruising along the narrowest roads, saw the deepest valleys, breathed the freshest air. We jungle trekked and climbed the mountain (I whined under my breath all the time). We drank water from the river (seriously, we survived on water purifying tablets- double the recommended dose, just in case).
The locals are mostly nice and friendly. We met someone who was not very fond of us Malaysians, probably because of the ill treatment he received when he visited Malaysia and Singapore. Most of them have relatives working in Malaysia. You know, he might be that waiter who serve you at Oldtown Kopitiam...
Their stories are sad and poor. Children, being children, got excited to see tourists, with English better than most Malaysian children (and they don't even go to proper schools!), they asked for simple things like chocolates and sweets. We sacrificed our energy bars to them. They even appreciated the little boxes of raisins!
It is a beautiful country. Poor, but beautiful. A part of us wanted Nepal to remain untouched, so we can enjoy the nature for years to come. But the people need progress. They have to catch up years of developments.
I returned to Malaysia with a better attitude towards the foreigners, now that I know how difficult their lives are. They come for a better future, and better is what I want to give to/ share with them.
Nepal is in a very unfortunate state currently. Tak kesahlah walaupun bukan negara Islam, tapi I really feel for her. It's like, sudah jatuh, ditimpa tangga.
To those who share the video of them killing the buffalos, well, please have some hearts. Tak payah nak kait-kaitkan benda tu dengan musibah sekarang. How insensitive! That's like, saying Kelantan deserved to be flooded for God knows why.
Stay strong, Nepalis. I wish I could do more to help...
37 minutes ago
1 comment:
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