Actually, I ada tulis banyak. Semua dalam drafts. Tak publish sebab, they are incomplete. You know why? Because I wanted to write so many things, that towards the end, I became sleepy while writing them.
At this age, I've learned not to stay up late unnecessarily. Once, you're sleepy, just go to sleep! Don't fight it, or you'll end up regretting the decision. Last-last sendiri yang stress sebab tak dapat tidur.
My sleep is so precious!
Have you heard of 4 7 8 breathing exercise? It's amazing! It sure helps me to go to my slumber when I find it difficult. Just google or youtube it, okay. Make sure you recite your doa before you shut your eyes.
Well, I can't say I have a terrific sleep quality as what the many testimonials say about the breathing exercise. I kan tidur dengan anak. Pastu anak I tu light sleeper. Which means, I've never had a proper uninterrupted sleep in a long, long time, as long as the abscence of my period! Haha! Yup, I masih belum period, yeay!
Speaking of periods, talked with my bosses, and they were saying about how vague symptoms can mean you are pregnant. You are not feeling yourself? Check your urine! You are not feeling well but can't exactly pinpoint what? Check your urine! You have mysterious headches, fever, cough? Check your urine!
Of late, I've been depressed. I mean, I know exactly what makes me so unmotivated, but I usually handle it well, lasting for 1 week, at most...Then, I think I gain a bit of weight, but that's probably I am no longer actively breastfeeding...Perhaps I should check in case I'm pregnant? Haha, besar harapan! Desperate nak anak lagi!
Anyway...Deviating from the topic, why ah I always get distracted in my prayers? Short term memory ke apa? Sometimes, can't be certain of what rakaat I am in. Like, what the hell! Tak sampai 5 minit kot!
So, betullah setan ni suka mengacau! Confirm!
If an atheist don't believe in God and benda-benda ghaib, we should ask them to perform solat. Mesti diorang rasa why ah, I can't remember, why am I unsure of what I just did. So weirddd...
47 minutes ago
1 comment:
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