1) I spent a lot of money participating in different SMS contests from 5 different magazines. I hope I would win at least one. Hehehe...It's fun.
2) I am fed up. I am fed up with the vaccination issue, demanding for female doctors issue, Dayana and her manifesto, Cadbury and pig DNA...Seriously, the responses from some of you people really embarass me lah! Stop embarassing me, stop embarassing my religion, my race, stop insulting our intellectuality.
I selalu rasa macam nak dissect the issue satu per satu, but I always feel like I am an unfit person to do so, since I am not an expert in those matters. Karang takut salah cakap pulak...
And I always feel some of the issues are really one-sided. Like, for example, they demand for female doctors, but nobody demand for male doctors, or male nurses.
Hu ha about the Cadbury chocolates, but never said anything about the smokers who do it in public, even when fatwa deems it haram.
Lepas tu nak buat pemindahan darah lah, apa lah, eh cakap macam takde otak sangat tau! Macam tak belajar agama langsung tapi nak masuk TV.
Pastu, ada orang samakan vaccination tu macam makan babi juga.
I malu tau, walaupun orang tak cakap depan muka I, tapi I malu bila orang tak respect orang Melayu Islam sebab kenyataan kenyataan bodoh macam ni.
Ataupun I je yang perasan bila kaum lain semua rasa orang Melayu Islam ni masyarakat yang mundur dari segala aspek. Bila orang suruh menimba pengalaman, luaskan pandangan, berapa ramai yang sanggup terima seruan tu? Terlalu selesa sangat di tempat sendiri. Pastu mulalah tak dapat terima idea baru dan melenting.
Geram tau, tapi taknak cakap banyak banyak sangat...
3) Kena rogol dengan 38 orang lelaki? Budak didera sampai mati? Orang gaji lari tak habis habis menyusahkan orang? Arrgghhh...! Apparently, I am still mad at the world! Nantilah sambung balik.
50 minutes ago
couldn't agree with you more..thumbs up
agree with you 110%. Those statment embarassed us as a Muslim.
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