Feeling, feeling romantic gitu...But the journey back was torture. It was so obvious my smile had been turned upside down. My heart just dropped.
I hate to use my husband's pendrive. He got it from his brother but benda tu tak suci langsung. One day, I was so annoyed and angry with it, I smashed it to pieces. Coincidentally, there was a pop-up booth at my workplace selling thumbdrives, so I kindly got him a new, cuter one.
Comel takkkkk???
One day, my husband called me up, "Yang, mana strawberry abang?"
Strawberry mana pulak ni? I tau kita baru balik Cameron Highland, beli strawberry, but kita share strawberry tu, and the strawberries are always in the fridge.
Me: Ha? Strawberry abang?
Husband: Haa...Ye lah...Pendrive yang you belikan tu...Mana dia?
Me: Abang! Itu bukan strawberry, itu Spiderman!
OMG! Hahahaha...!
Suami I ni memang confirm mata keyro...
You guys tau tak mata keyro tu apa? I tak tau lah the exact spelling macam mana, but my husband ni memang habit dia, kalau benda depan mata, dia tak nampak. Kalau Arwah bapa I dulu, dia cakap, "Haa...Mata tu letak kat bontot ke!"
Seriously, kalau cari parking ke, jangan lah bagi dia cari seorang, confirm tak akan jumpa punya, padahal ada je...
Spiderman vs strawberry
Speaking of strawberries, I've recently discovered the joy of frozen strawberries. Biasalah, bila tamak beli strawberry, tapi bila sampai rumah macam dah tak cantik pulak. Cepat-cepat frozen kan, so tahan lama. Crunchy pulak tu bila makan...Nyum...
I am all okay now. Mother and her entourage (my aunts) came to visit. That was fun. Diorang borong pemanggang ajaib, sampai I pun terpengaruh, Tapi tak testing lagi tu, betul ke ajaib?
I also manage to settle a debt, thanx to my husband sebab banyak tolong (tapi I pun tolong dia banyak jugak!). Lega sikit. So sekarang ni, kena concentrate on my study debt je, which is, banyakkkk lagi tu...And also, probably in the future, I want to buy my own house, then my life would be complete.
That's the beauty of God's plans. I got bad news, but rupa-rupanya rezeki I is to be able to settle a debt. Quite an achievement, eh?
My boss used to preach on how it is more peaceful when you are debt-free. Boss I kan ala-ala ustadz gitu...So he said, the best Hajj he had ever been to was when he went there without a debt. Masa tu, dia dah habis bayar rumah, kereta, dengan gaji bibik sekali dia dah set aside.
Which I think is kinda true lah...Like, sometimes, it doesn't make sense to buy expensive things when you have debts. And, apa guna duit banyak-banyak dalam bank, dalam ASB, ASN, etc, but you delay-delay bayar hutang kan. Gunalah to langsaikan hutang tu, then you'll know where you stand, whether you can afford something or not. But I do agree, if we want to wait until we accumulate enough money, it may take forever, but in that case, fine, take whatever loan you need, just that, I encourage people to pay their debts early especially when they can, instead of spending on other things.
And please, please don't take more than what you deserve. Contohnya, duit BR1M tu, kalau dah tak layak nak dapat, kenapa masih ambil juga? Itu kan hak orang-orang yang kurang mampu...
Baby has started to kick. My body is becoming heavier and heavier. I have less energy. Nak mandi pun I prefer to sit on a stool. Sebab I ni mandi lama...Hehehe...Kadang-kadang I suruh husband I mandikan, tapi beliau tu tak romantic...Dia scrub-scrub badan I pastu dah. Takde pun adegan lain...
Tapi bagus jugak mandi sambil duduk ni. Sekarang ni kan musim panas. I ni jenis malas nak adjust adjust water heater tu, so bila duduk, air tu bearable lah, sejuk sikit...Lepas tu, ada satu time ni, I ter slip and jatuh ke lantai sebab licin. Nasib baik I was on a stool, so the impact wasn't too great. But drama mesti adaaaa...Hahaha...
My husband was asleep, so I pun, "Abang! I jatuh...!" Hah, terus bangun to check me out like a superhero. Barulah rasa disayangi...Hehehe...
I am still working like usual. Perhaps, too much that I felt like I was leaking. But it was only that one time that it occurred. But, boy, was I anxious. I asked around, my colleague said I should wear a pad to confirm. It was dry. But two days after, my baby became less active, so I quickly went to see a doctor to do a check-up. All sorts of things went through my mind, risaunya yang amat. After Mommy had been reassured that everything was okay...Barulah I sedar, inikah namanya a Mother's instinct? I am already a Mother to my unborn child, OMG, how wild is that! Dalam perut pun dah buat Mommy risau ni...
Gender is still unknown sebab baby mengepit je kerja...
I still haven't bought anything for the baby. Teruk kan? Setakat survey sikit-sikit je...Actually, I didn't even survey. I tengok orang guna, I pun nak juga. Basically, I am just a copycat. You guys should really put up more things up on your blogs so I can copy, okay...Teruk betul. Bila I baca blog orang-orang yang, you know, research habis-habisan, buat I rasa rendah diri je...
Untuk diri sendiri pun I tak beli! Still wearing the same clothes. Some might say I choose the approach of flaunting my belly, but no...The truth is, I can't find nice maternity clothes lah!
Tak apa, jangan compare dengan orang lain. What I know
- I nak sedaya upaya breastfeed my baby, at least 3 months (during my maternity leave)
- I tanak beli stroller dulu. Yang penting, I nak babysling tu.
- I tak kesahlah I ni bersalin biasa je, bersalin dengan epidural ke, bersalin operation ke, yang penting baby okay. Depending on how my body could take it. Siapa kata bersalin operate tu takde rasa sakit melahirkan? Walaupun masa baby keluar tu tak rasa sakit, tapi nak jaga luka jahitan tu tetap sakit...Tak kisah bersalin apa-apa cara sekalipun, ia tetap sakit bersalin, dan tetap sakit bertarung nyawa!
- Dan yang paling penting, I believe in vaccination and no doubt in my mind I will vaccinate my baby. Haaa...Yang ini I research sikit-sikit. Hehe.
Pasal berpantang, tak fikir lagi. My husband's friend's mother could give a contact to a Makcik berpantang. According to her, she will take care of you and the baby (including cooking, massage, bathing, etc) for one month, for RM2000.
I was like, "Hoi, mahalnya!"
My husband boleh backing Makcik tu, "Eh, dia buat semuaaa...Okaylah tu!"
Tak payah fikir panjang-panjang, I immediately rejected his idea. "First of all," I said, "I nak mandikan anak I sendiri. Kenapa nak bagi orang mandikan pulak? I nak bonding dengan baby I!" Chewaahh...Mommy is very protective haaa...
Secondly, I don't want a stranger in my house for a month, touching my body, she might even touch my husband too. Kang tiba-tiba jadi meroyan pulak kang...Paranoid nye Miss Ectopy ni!
(Cakap besar sekarang, tengok-tengok nanti, tak larat nak handle sorang-sorang)
And...RM2000 tu mahal lah!
We can manage...We are not fancy people, we don't need fancy stuff...
Last but not least...Korang baca tak blog http://www.crappypictures.com
I dah khatam dah...!
Okay, cerita dah panjang dah. Bye.
spiderman boleh jadi strawberry...
comel je mommy ni dah bonding bonding... :)
take care dear!
okla rm2000 for 1month.
My in law only 10days -rm1500
You dont have to find ppl to massage u.(byrn urut pun dah rm50-100 for 1sesi)
Are you interested nak beli baby sling brand BabyBjorn from me?
I pakai twice saja from terminal to aicraft and from aicraft to terminal.
Market price RM399.00 but I nak let go RM150.00 only.
Masa tu I terbang aloned with my baby 4month so I need my hand free to carry baby bag.
nadiah ,I tengok page baby bjorn tu tapi nampak dia jual baby carrier. is that what you have ? I'm sorry tapi I nak baby sling macam style org dulu dulu tu...hehehe ...tapi mmg murah and berbaloi lah kalau u nak let go for that price .hopefully you will find a buyer .
anon ,
oh really,murah ke ?hehehe ,first time mother memang blur sikit .like I said ,I tak survey pun ,tu yang tak reti compare harga tu ...I need to consider cost cost beli barang baby yg lain, kalau ada lebih ,bolehlah rasa ada helper dekat rumah ...tapi kalau tak ,I have to resort to ala carte massage
Yes Etopy...mine is baby carrier.
Sorry wrong info dear.
hi ectopy!
kalo u xmo spend on 2k tu, mmg ada byk cara to waive it. bertungku, mandi herba, ngurut & mandikan baby (best if hubby u yg offer diri tlg), etc, etc.. sikit je syarat dia, musti rajin & gigih!!
bonding mommies & babies paling penting masa b'feeding, bonding daddies & babies... bila daddy sanggup offer utk belajar mandikan baby!!! precious...
i can share with u few traditional confinement practices/tricks.. only if u want too
take great care & yes dear, musti kena dramatic sikit masa tgh preggy ni so hubby tu reti sikit. ta ta!
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