Today, my husband got me a bouquet of flowers which I only got to enjoy for a couple of hours. My son was ready to tear everything, and besides, I needed to be on an airplane. Couldn't bring it along because hands were full.
It was so sweet him of him nevertheless. I didn't expect it. He came home and hugged me from behind and said, "Surprise!" I am definitely a happy wife now :)
Just thought of sharing this because this blog is pretty depressing. I mean, I, myself would have thought that the writer is sad based on what I usually write...
I think I am a bit depressed lah...Considering how much I've cried for the past few months...Like I've said before, everything else is going on great, so I really don't have a solid reason to be upset. Which is so confusing and conflicting and difficult to understand what I am going through right now...Am I crazy? Ungrateful?
I even lost the motivation to work...I just want to stay at home, wake up late, not worry about the traffic, be comfortably pregnant...Or I need a career change. An entrepeneur. I want to bring a major franchise to Malaysia but I need a huge capital for that.
I want to rest and sleep.
12 minutes ago