I think I have an easy baby.
I am blessed, except when it comes to making him go to sleep! My husband said it's because I had frequent late nights when I was pregnant with him.
My baby passes motion once every three days. At first, I was worried, but he does not fuss, so, I guess he simply takes after me. Heee...I was prepared with my nappy liners, because I was told newborns may soil up to 6 times per day! But in the end, I never use any. Mudah kan...My cousin's baby had the same problem and her paediatrician told her not to worry (in breastfed babies). Apparently, the tummy would absorb all the nutrition from the breastmilk that sometimes, they leave nothing behind to be expelled out from the body!
But now, it's just my husband, baby KR and I. The second day we arrived, baby KR berak sampai 3 kali! But he was his usual self. Good lah, now Daddy is used to handling poop. Tak boleh nak geli geli lagi.
Initially, I planned to spend just 2 weeks at Mother's place. But my husband being superstitious with obeying pantang larang, he wanted me to come back with him after my confinement. I am totally fine with it! But, I got used to spending time in Mother's house, it became hard for me to leave :(
The bright side is, now, I can let my baby cry without anybody picking him up to soothe him. This is important because my baby always sleeps on my breasts. As much as I love how my baby is so dependent on me, at the same time, I want him to stop, for his own good! I'm going back to work soon and bad habits must stop.
Now, I am trying to sleep train my baby, the no-crying method. Ironic, one of the tips is to let the baby learn to soothe himself, which will involve crying no matter what (just not to let him cry for a very long time).
The thing about babies is, when you let them cry even just for 5 minutes, it feels a lot longer than that! I keep fighting with myself, "Am I doing this right?" "Am I a bad mother?" "Will he be scarred for his life?" "Are we bothering the neighbours?" "Why is the clock moving so slow?" "Is five minutes up yet?"
Lima minit pun susah. Hish, my husband lagi teruk! Ek sikit, terus kena angkat! Ek, okay, that's not even a cry! So, my progress has been slow because I can only do the training when my husband is not around.
And, despite having settled down for a few days, my house is still in a mess. Yeah lah, baby asyik nak sleep on my chest, macam mana nak bergerak? Kejang I! But I love, love the feeling of him needing me... Tapi tak best because I tak ada gambar dia banyak banyak...Takkan I nak ambil gambar my baby and my breasts pula kan?
And if I finally have my mojo to clean the house, I need to sacrifice my sleep pula!
I cannot win this battle...
Other than my breasts, my baby loves to sleep in his baby carrier. Seriously. One time, he was crying so bad for HOURS because he was so tired and sleepy, even my experienced Mother AND aunt cannot calm him down. I finally took the baby carrier and poof, like magic, within two minutes he was asleep. Another time, the same thing happened, and the baby carrier saved the day! I refuse to let him associate sleep with the baby carrier though. But at least now I know what to use as the last resort.
We all (Mother, my husband and I) agree- Tak sia-sia I beli baby carrier mahal-mahal weih...
I am also must start to teach baby KR to bottle feed. This is what I worry most. I am now waiting the stuff I ordered from Little Whiz to arrive. Little Whiz is having Warehouse Sales until this Sunday. The items are limited though.
Mula-mula ingat tak payah beli bottle warmer, pakai hot water je...But then, I wouldn't know how 40 degrees should feel like. And since the bottle warmer is cheappppp........
And mula-mula ingatkan tak payah a drying rack, pakai paper towel je and air dry je. (Masa pregnant jatuh cinta dengan Boon Grass drying rack, so pretty!) But since the OXO Tot drying rack is on sales and prettyyyyyyyy........
Ni baru Little Whiz punya sales. Belum lagi pergi Baby Expo yang beribu ribu item tu (still a virgin, somehow never managed to participate in any)...
So far, I am happy with MOST of my purchases I carefully thought and calculated for baby KR. Tak adalah membazir. Kira, not bad lah as a first time parents, I didn't go mad and bought all the unnecessary stuff. (Pats self on the back)
I nak letak gambar but I don't want to wake the baby up. The wire is next to him! Next time lah.
38 minutes ago
1 comment:
may the baby bring much happiness to you. congrats!
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