So, I ran into Kancil and damaged her plate number.
My car is fine.
It wasn't a big deal. At work, I texted her an apology message, but was returned with a call by a stranger who was completely unaware about the matter. I must have gotten the wrong number, and the ironic thing is, the owner of the number has the exact same name.
It turned out, this woman is a stalker. She traced my car at my workplace and left me a note.
Remember the security guard I told you in my last post? Well, he told that they passed the message to me, if I was still uncontactable by the next day, they wanted to issue a summon. Over tak? Setakat plate number pecah kot...
At last, managed to contact her and she requested for, tadaa, RM250.
Cik: Mekanik tu estimate rosak dalam RM250.
Me: Mahalnya! Rosak apa mahal sangat? Number plate je yang pecah.
Cik: Dia cakap bumper jatuh.
Me: Awak repairlah dulu, nanti bagitau saya amount dia.
I thought, what the hell! Bila pulak bumper dia jatuh, bukannya langgar kuat pun, kereta I pun takde scratch. But quickly, I calmed myself down, tak baik bersangka buruk pada perempuan yang menutup aurat, mekanik tu kot yang jahat.
At night, she called me again. Oh, my God, I was beginning to think she was harassing me. This time, she said, "Saya dah confirm kan dengan mekanik tu. Memang dia nak charge RM250."
Fine, whatever lah...So, why do you call me?
Cik: Agak-agak, bila eh boleh masuk duit?
Me: Saya tak pasti lah...Kalau tak malam ni, esoklah saya transfer duit. Nanti awak bagilah account number awak.
Cik: Sebab, saya perlukan duit tu.
Me: Okay, tapi macam saya kata tadi, kalau tak malam ni, besok saya bagi duit tu. Saya selalu online banking. Malam ni saya ada hal, nak keluar.
Cik: Tinggal dekat mana eh? Boleh bagi alamat?
Sekali lagi syaitan menghasut. Desperate gila perempuan ni miskin sangat ke hape setakat 250ringgit pun tak boleh bayar dulu...(Kalau miskin sangat, sungguh tak bijak pakai kereta, sila naik bas untuk simpan duit, lebih bagus kalau jalan kaki je) Siap minta alamat, kalau tak boleh online banking, dia nak datang rumah minta cash pagi-pagi buta keesokan hari agaknya.
You know what she said that made my annoyance level hit the maximum?
SMS: Saya harap cik bleh tranfer mlm ni la coz esk dah lbh 24jam utk mngelak dr sbrng kesulitan tq
Subtly threatening me, for the second time (the first, regarding the summon) in day?
I sedeqah je RM250 tu, I halalkan. Puas hati?
Probably she didn't act alone, probably her husband/ boyfriend/ friends made her do things this way...
This strengthtens further my theory: People with limited power memang suka nak tunjuk power. (I discuss about this matter over and over again)
Thank God I'm surrounded by cool people. That thought makes me smile :) We are classy!
46 minutes ago
bagusnya u bersangka baik sbb dia bertudung.. tp ingt, zaman sekarang ni, kadang yang bertudung labuh tu lagi jahat dan busuk hatinya dari yang tak bertudung
kalau ganti plate number selalunya RM12 je.
kiranya klu dia tk pki tudung dia bokela buat kurg ajar mcm tu?
1. you should have insisted that she repair her car 1st then show you the bill
2. suggest to go together to your own repairer then get the repairer to bill you once the repairwork is done
banyak case menipu walaupun kita selalu nak bersangka baik. bottomline is, we must always be 2 steps ahead not to get ourselves con easily. just my 2 cents worth...
im sure she didn't use the money to repair the car.
kalau bumper jatuh, the repair cost tak sampai rm100 pon. that girl tipu. i hate liars!
hopefully it won't happen again.
halalkanlah duit tu. kalau dia tipu u itu dah urusan dia ngan Tuhan tu.
don't be too kind ectopy. tak salah bersangka baik, tapi once in a while, kena ingat, tak semua orang berfikiran macam kita. (ingatan untuk diri sendiri)
to anonymous,
please do not misinterpret what i have written.
i did not say if the woman was 'tudungless', she was entitled to do any wrongdoing.
i did not want to jump into conclusions because she was better than me in terms of covering herself up and has earned my respect for that.
in my previous posts, i have repeatedly mentioned, which if i were to put in simple words, "sejahat-jahat mana seseorang itu, kalau dia pakai tudung, dia adalah lebih bagus dari diri saya."
hope that clears the air. thank you.
you are indeed classy and honest abt it! And memang betul - I do share similar sentiment, "sejahat-jahat mana seseorang itu, kalau dia pakai tudung, dia adalah lebih bagus dari diri saya."
As much as I pride myself in my fashion sense and values, that thought humbles me. :)
Dah langgar byr jer la. Ada org langgar kereta tak mau bayar lepas tu ckp belit-belit dlm phone. Haih sanggup byr lebih drpd RM250 utk avoid org mcm itu.
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