Saturday, April 20, 2024

The doctor said it might be the migraine. Hmm...I guess.

Also, somehow, I chanced upon some Ustadz from Darussyifa. Funny thing, I was actually accompanying my colleague, because she said, maybe her temper was paranormal...Yeah, she received a few complaint letters from the clients...But, ended up, Ustadz said I was the one with hantu. Hahaha...

Anyway, as per usual, this season's obsessions of mine...

1) Royel Otis.
An Australian band. So good! Geeky, but cool, my type! Plus, their covers- Linger and Murder On The Dance Floor, OMG, I am confident we have the same taste in music, because both songs are in my playlist for years!

Current favourite song: Fried Rice. Please, they mention Come On, Eileen. Also, in my playlist and in The Perks of Being A Wallflower movie! Ugh...

I'll definitely be watching them live if they ever come to Malaysia! Please come...

2) Dylan O'Brien.
Somehow, he appears in my FYP and he's so cute that I'm watching Teen Wolf, like, hahaha...I'm having a crush on him like a teenage girl, don't care...I've seen his other films, but those girls who made Teen Wolf edits on TikTok, OMG, I pun terpengaruh. Love his character, kind and geeky...Goofy...Again, my type! My boyfriendddd....

3) Logan Lerman.
Handsome laaahhh...But he's a Jew. Hopefully, not a zionist. Feel so guilty to fancy him.

Can you believe I just watched The Perks of Being A Wallflower. I liked him when he was Percy Jackson, but the movie sucked lah, so didn't have a strong impression on me masa tu...
It's funny how I refused to watch The Perks of Being A Wallflower when it first came out.
- I thought Emma Watson was too old to play a teenager (masa tu dia baru habis franchise Harry Potter)
- I thought it was a typical stupid teenage flick movie
- I got confused with the movie Flowers In The Attic, and I don't want to watch incest! (Both movies ada brother/ sister, hence the mix up. And both also based on novels!)

Anyway, I suka sangat Charlie a.k.a Logan. (Can you see the pattern of geeky, shy, kind guy...Love!) And I really love the movie, like, it's one of the Top 10 movies in MY list. I kept thinking about it for days...Can't exactly tell why I like it so much. Until...

I read somewhere that Charlie depicts an empath perfectly. Maybe that's why I am so drawn to the movie. I am an empath too...The way he feels so much pain, including others' pain. Eh, tapi suka lah. Like, the whole movie is not too much, just the right amount of everything. Nothing's over the top.


I harap korang pun sama-sama obsess dengan I...I miss those days when my friends and I can have a crush on the same person. Hahaha...Sekarang ni, obsess sorang-sorang je, OR I'd tell my kids: Tu lah Mommy punya current boyfriend. Anak I pun layan je lah...Hahaha...Diorang pun tau boyfriend I ni bertukar-tukar ikut musim. My husband langsung tak layan (-__-")

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