Then, I came home, and opened social media. Oh, my God, so toxic...Okay, not blaming people to be intentionally toxic towards me, but definitely changed my mood of the day.
Like, how these people could be so successful. Holiday sana sini lama-lama, tak main naik economy class...Dah lah cantik, kaya pula tu...Pandai pula tu...Rumah cantik, husband romantic, anak baik dan bijak...Pandai masak, menutup aurat dan sangat alim. Buat business pun pandai, terkenal, disayangi ramai...Kenapa perfect sangat! Like, macam mana boleh awet muda...Macam mana boleh kurus so easily, when I exercise pun tapi berat susah nak turun. But these people..."I only exercise 10-15 minutes everyday for 3 months and I lost 14 kilograms" - like, whaaatttt...
Jealous betul.
Still jealous, even though I know, nothing is perfect. Even when I know, my life ain't that bad, I have a good life too...Even when I know, other people might be envious of my life instead.
Itulah social media. I understand how it could crush people, teenagers especially. Everything and everyone is so superficial...
It makes you have unrealistic goals for yourself.
Contohnya, filter kan...Sure, it makes you look pretty. But when I look in the mirror, eh, macam tak cantik pun. Rasa macam perasan je tadi. Macam impostor pun ada. I see how beautiful I can be if I have perfect skin! How far would I go to achieve that? Tu semua fake.
Hhmm...Tu je lah nak cakap. The danger of social media. May we not fall victims to them.
But you know what? Before I sent my kids to bed, my daughter said, "I wanna be as good as you, Mommy." Aww...She also said, "You are beautiful, too."
My just so full...
One of the greatest rezeki in my life...
She makes it all better, what a grand gift from Allah!
Syukur selalu...Alhamdulillah.