Thursday, June 17, 2021

Today, I am sad because I know a lot people are talking behind my back. I know I shouldn't mind but it still hurts me so much. I've been trying to become a better person, but maybe this is one way God is helping me to increase my pahala?

I want to go through this strong. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay...

And you know what...I've been praying for God to give me what's best for me because He knows best. Then, I will accept this, this is best for me now.

And please stop this pain in my heart, dear Lord. They don't matter.


aisha said...

youu.. sakit hati memang sakit.. nak ignore memang susah.. sometime make us doubt ourselves..
maybe Allah is testing jalan mana kita akan ikut because of this challenge.. patut pada Dia or tunduk pada kata-kata manusia..
stay strong!!!

update la selalu you... love your post..

Ectopy said...

Thank you ye...for letting me know there's someone out there... *hugs*