When I was in primary school, my routine was: Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Agama, kelas mengaji, playground, dinner, TV and sleep.
I rarely had homework because I usually finished them at school.
Anyway, I was so bersemangat, I remember Mother asked me frequently- tak penat ke?
Yup, I was always on the move. Mostly main. Like, after school/ mengaji class, must find time to play!
In fact, Mother still asks the same question if I've been working non-stop. One time, I worked for 36 hours, then went out to watch a movie with my friends. "Tak penat ke?"
As a kid, I don't remember feeling tired. I okay je...
The other day, my colleague was telling me about her childhood.
Sekolah Kebangsaan Cina, then
Organ class
Piano class
Taekwando class
Gymnastic class
Ballet class
Malay class
Mandarin class
Swimming class
Me: Parents you tak kerja ke?
Her: I was raised by my maid. But I still had to wash my own shoes and fold my own clothes. I changed clothes in the car. Then I quit most of it after secondary school.
Me: I want to be like your mom. I wish my parents had sent me to more classes. Now, I have no skills. At least, if I knew how to play piano, I can quit my job and become a piano teacher.
Her: Yeah lor...They make good money too!
I want to send my kids to 4 extra class
- kelas mengaji
- music class (must know how to play one instrument)
- taekwando (currently attending)
- swimming class (soon)
Bonus: Mandarin class
If they ever complaint or question my decision, I will tell them
- I only have 2 kids, so I need to raise you both right
- If somehow you end up hating your job, I want you to have the option to change the direction of your career. Maybe you can open a martial arts centre? Don't be stuck like me
- My friend attended way more classes than you and she survives! Look at her now, so successful...
*Tiger mom mode on*
Actually, I always want to be that tiger mom, but I don't even have time to send my kids to these extra classes. How lahhh...
*Tiger mom fails*
51 minutes ago