I've got somebody calling me from the UK for 2 days in a row but I'm scared to pick up the phone. Haha. Boleh ke takut dengan phone call? I'm pretty sure it's not somebody I know, because, well, they can Whatsapp me instead, right? Tried googling, but nothing came up.
So, any of you know whether this is a scam or something?
And, I have another question.
Anyone of you have extra tickets to go to KRU concert at Istana Budaya in May? Tickets to let go? I'm willing to pay RM500 max...
You see, I was excited to go but none of my friends did! So uncool, right? But they think I'm the uncool one. *Rolls eyes*
The replies I got
- I didn't know you're a big fan...
Well, I'm not. But it's one of the local bands that had caught my attention and I can sing along with! I don't want to go to a concert where I don't know the lyrics...
- I'm saving for Perhentian trip
- I'm already going to see Bruno Mars
- I'm working that weekend because I want to avoid working during Ramadhan
- I'll be busy with the election's coming up
You see, when I was overseas, whenever I missed Malaysia, I would listen to KRU. My favourite is Apa Saja because I think it is so romantic.
I also like Flop Poppy.
I listened to other songs too, but they are usually a one-hit-wonder.
And I already missed Sheila Majid's performance before!
And our gang usually would find a reason to go to Istana Budaya whenever we're back in Malaysia. Because we liked to dress up and pretend we were posh. Haha!
And...It was not so hard to secure a ticket back then. Plus, it was not that expensive too.
Anyway, KRU is so for 90s kids! And it's going to be in Istana Budaya, where it's not gonna be hot and sweaty! But I failed to convince everybody!
My husband had the best reply:
Him: But KRU ni macam budak-budak lah...
Me: What!!! They are my abang-abang!
So, I knew he wasn't interested and no way I am going alone like a freak!
Then, I gave up.
But, my super sweet husband asked me last weekend,
Him: You pergi ke konsert KRU?
Me: Tak...Semua kawan I tak nak pergi...
Him: Bila tu? You nak pergi kan...You belilah. I temankan.
Me: *Mata bersinar-sinar* Yeay!
Him: Tapi, kesian lah budak berdua ni...
Me: Ala, tinggal je lah! 3 jam je pun...(Susahnya nak tinggal anak. Perhaps I should write a separate entry on my theory why he is the way he is)
Checked for tickets- all that's left is the really expensive ones.
Me: Ala...Dah sold out...
Him: Wow, KRU pun sold out?
Me: Ye lah...Ramai orang suka KRU okay...Tinggal tiket mahal je...RM1300...
Him: Kalau tengok Mariah Carey, I sanggup.
Me: Ala...I hafal tau lagu dia...*Disappointed*
Him: Kalau Saleem buat concert, I nak tengok. I suka suara dia.
Me: Saleem?
Him: Ala, yang drug addict tu. Walaupun dia drug addict, suara dia sedap. I sanggup bayar.
Me: Buat apa you bayar dia! Dia drug addict. Nanti, dia beli dadah!
Him: Dia dah tua dah...Takkan tak insaf insaf lagi...
Hahaha...My husband and I from totally different worlds...
Saleem? He likes Saleem! And Amy Search. And Awie.
Euw. Hahahaha...
I remember one time when we were shopping, he saw Amy Search and asked for a picture together. Hahahaha...
I have a picture with Jason Mraz and I don't think my husband knows him.
I searched on Carousell too, but they are all reserved. I'm so saddddd!!!
Okay. So, yeah, I'm scouting for a pair of tickets. Please email me if you have! I'm willing to risk my anonymonity to get them.
49 minutes ago