In the 90s, I was a kid and a teenager.
Boy, it was a great time. Especially when I was in secondary school.
I kearned a lot, discovered a lot of things, went out with my friends almost monthly to Sunway Pyramid (we were just 14 and our parents let us! How cool was that!)...
Also, we laughed a lot. I remember always looking forward to school so I could meet my friends and gossip. And we continued talking at home via the landline.
I began to listen to music and memorising the lyrics. Those days, you could just listen properly and it will stuck with you forever- I know because I can still sing along to the music, even now :)
Whenever I listen or watch certain music/ videos from that era, I always, always feel very nostalgic. I would smile, not because I can remember all the details of my life back then, but because I could remember how I felt- pure happiness.
No heartbreaks, no struggles, very minimal obstacles...Life was awesome!
Then, college and university...This was the time when I watched a lot of movies. I frequented the cinemas because...I didn't really go clubbing or bars...So, the cinema was the entertainment I could afford.
I watched all kinds of movies. I even went alone sometimes, early in the morning.
I realized I didn't mind doing things alone.
Now, I haven't set a foot in the cinema for many, many years, it's pathetic.
No lah, it's not really pathetic. I have a gorgeous family, what more can I ask for.
I pray my children would have awesome memories too growing up.
Please include me in your good memories. Be good to me. Love me like I love you both now and forever...
3 hours ago