I received a call from my workplace.
Peter: Hello, Ectopy. Peter ni...Tengah buat apa? Busy ke?
Me: Baru nak balik ni. Kenapa?
Peter: Boleh jumpa tak?
Me: Boleh. Ada apa ni?
Peter: Hmm...Ermm....
Me: Kenapa tak boleh cakap over the phone je?
Peter: Ermm...Sebenarnya...Ada orang nak berkenalan dengan awak. Boleh ke?
Me: Oi, saya dah kahwinlah!
Peter: Yeke? Sorry, sorry!
Me: But anyway...Tell him I am flattered. Awak tak tahu ke saya dah kahwin? Minggu lepas kan saya ada bagitahu pasal suami saya...
Peter: Eh, siapa ni? Ectopy eh?
Me: ???
Peter: Sorry, sorry! Silap orang! I cari Mectopy!
Mectopy is this really pretty girl with huge eyes.
So, I went back home and told my husband about it. He was all jealous and he poked me so hard, until I finished my story.
Me: Hahaha. Abang, apa perasaan you kalau memang ada orang betul-betul nak berkenalan dengan I?
Husband: Awal-awal masa you cerita tadi, I dah plan nak pergi tempat kerja you nak cari laki tu!
Me: Tapi, sedihlah...Rupa-rupanya bukan nak berkenalan dengan I pun. Bongok!
Husband: Mana you tau...Entah-entah dia saja je nak cover line sebab dah malu.
Me: Tapi I rasa memang betul, sebab Mectopy tu memang cantik pun.
Husband: You pun cantik jugak!
Bless my husband. :)
I got an invitation card for a dinner in conjunction of my boss leaving us.
Made myself up and brought my husband there.
Only to see it was empty.
Thought everyone was late.
Asked the receptionist, "Hari ni Dato' punya majlis kan?"
Me: Hari ni hari Rabu kan?
Receptionist: Ermm...Tak ada pun...
Me: Salah tempat kot...(Shows him the invitation card)
Receptionist: Salah tarikh ni! Rabu minggu depan 29 haribulan!
Me: (Embarassed) Alamak, macam mana ni Abang? Kita makan sini je lah...(Nak cover malu)
Receptionist: Hari ni kitchen tutup. Tukang masak pun tak ada.
This happened way back when we were moving house and looking for a TV.
Samsung originated from Korea. A lot of the sample channels show Korean bands music videos.
Me: Abang, ni lah K-Pop.
Husband: Macam NorAniza Idris je...
Me: Abang! NorAniza Idris tu Irama Malaysia tau tak! Apa yang sama dengan K-Pop ni!
Husband: Tu, menari ramai-ramai tu...Macam style NorAniza Idris lah tu. Satu kampung nak berjoget.
4 hours ago